Stand Description

Coniferous – 16.4 acres

The mixed hardwood-coniferous stand is dominated by hardwoods with some scattered slash pines present as well.  The understory is light to moderate and contains grasses and woody stemmed shrubs and brush.  This stand comprises approximately 10.6% of the total tract acreage.  The overstory and understory species found within this stand include but are not limited to the following:

These hammock areas offer ecological and aesthetical diversity.  The hammocks offer both food and cover for wildlife.  Acorns are an important hard mast for game species. The oaks offer important mast production; many species of birds and mammals readily eat the nuts and acorns, especially the sweeter live oak acorn, which is favored by wild turkey as well as white-tailed deer.

Overstory Trees found within the Citrus Grove  
Common Name
Scientific Name
Common Name
Scientific Name
Common Name
Scientific Name
Musa spp.
Melia azederach L.
Citrus spp.
Ear Tree
Enterolobium cyclocarpum
Golden Rain Tree
Koelreuteria paniculata
Laurel Oak
Quercus hemisphaerica
Live Oak
Quercus virginiana
Water Oak
Quercus nigra

The over-mature, relatively short-lived, laurel oaks are typically in a state of decline – the decaying wood and occasional snags offer opportunities for woodpeckers to feed on beetle grubs and other insects. It is recommended that at a minimum, the overstory in this area be selectively harvested upon favorable timber markets in conjunction with the harvesting of other stands to improve timber production, wildlife habitat, aesthetics, recreation, and forest health.  While harvesting the pine flatwoods, small linear patches (~ 1-3 acres in size) can be created within this stand and/or along the perimeter (creating transitional zones which are highly valued by wildlife) by removing some of the over-mature hardwoods.  This would allow sunlight to reach the forest floor, stimulating new herbaceous plant growth, beneficial to wildlife.


Another option could include selectively cutting the mixed hardwood coniferous stand by clearcutting the hardwood pulpwood, whole tree chipping the hardwood fuelwood, and thinning the pines harvesting the worst trees fist, leaving the best trees for future harvest